Beetle Books
Beetle Books is an imprint of Hungry Tomato.
Our Beetle Books are our brilliant big books; spanning a range of topics, they’re perfect for young readers to enjoy wherever they may be.
Mini Battle Machines
Secret Squid's Wonders of the World
Hungry Tomato
Our Hungry Tomato books are our smaller series’ of books, ideal for teachers and educators to use to inspire young readers while learning about a variety of topics.
The Grisly History of Medicine
The World's Greatest (and Grossest) Medical Disoveries
A fantastic four book series exploring the history of medicine, with its terrifying diseases, rancid remedies, and experimental treatments and surgeries that were often weird, disgusting, or downright dangerous! Discover amazing facts from how alligator blood could help fight infections, to how the past has helped us to battle modern viruses like Coronavirus.